Friday, October 31, 2014


It's Halloween, and I figured it was the perfect time to share one of best pieces of advice I ever got.

My daughter is in LOVE with the Cat in The Hat. She asks me to read it to her every day and owns three different copies.  The one she sleeps with, the one she never touches, and the one she takes with her everywhere that is being held together by multiple pieces of tape.  So naturally when it was time to find a costume the choice was clear.  This Cat in the Hat costume from Pottery Barn Kids is the absolute best and she let out a squeal far beyond her years when she finally saw it.
So how does this fall into the best advice I ever got category? 

Let me explain.
It all starts with my pediatrician, who  thankfully understands my first time mom jitters and never makes me feel like any of my concerns are wacky, (like that funny squeak she made for two seconds while doing jumping jacks, is she okay, is she okay?)
When my daughter was a few months old he asked if I read to her as part of our bedtime routine "At two months old?" "It's never too early to establish a love of reading" he said. And he was right, she LOVES books!!! This was a proud mommy moment because as a child reading was my favorite thing to do.  Sometimes we read 2-3 books a night, though she may be stalling bedtime, it's still a lot of fun. 
Establishing a love of books early was one of the best pieces of parenting advice that I have ever got.

What’s the best piece parenting of advice you've ever received?



  1. Aww her halloween costume was cute! That was great advice. We started reading to her as soon as she got home. The best advice we ever received was to hold her as much as possible because time flies, and then they don't want to be held any longer.

    1. Thank You! I feel like that time is already here! Lol, she wiggles out of my arms as fast as she can!

  2. How cute is she?

    The best advice I've gotten is to trust my instincts. As parents, we're the best advocates for our kids -- so we should speak up.


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