Thursday, January 8, 2015


When anyone asks me what it's like being a mom I have a million answers.  It's hard work, it's happiness, it's exasperating, but the word I think describes it the best is amazing.
I often write on Instagram about the "Things I've learned since becoming a mom", like how grilled cheese is king or how four hours of sleep is more than enough (right?) But the really good things about being a parent, the stuff that makes your heart almost burst, those are the things that I really love.

Here are 5 things I love about being a mom:

The Bond

This bond between my daughter and I is unbelievably strong and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I know most people would say "duh, of course she's your child..." But it's more than biology, it's a love that can radiate with just one look, it's just special.

The "Newness"

There's a time in your life when every experience was a new one.  The first time you laughed, or ate bananas, or even walked your first steps.  You know this because while you don't remember it, you have hundreds of sepia colored photos to prove it. When you're a parent you get to experience "newness" through the eyes of your own child, and well the only word to describe it is...fantastic.

The Fun

Being a kid is fun. When we grow up we forget as much, with the bills, and the responsibilities in all, but there is no better time in our lives than our childhood. I have rolled around in a baby gym, jumped into a ball pit, and joined a tiny person soul train line. Yeah, having children definitely increases the fun.

The Learning

I've been to college, taught myself basic knitting, and I drive a car pretty well, but nothing compares with the life lessons that come with being a parent.  This is when it's your turn to experience that "newness" I talked about before.  I was terrified when my daughter was born, but I learned along they way.  Shoot, I'm STILL learning ways I can be a better parent.  Experience is truly the best teacher, and I couldn't ask for a better experience than being her mom.

The Altruism

Finally, what I love about being a mom is how it makes me feel. It makes me genuinely want to be a kinder, nicer, more giving person.  Now before I became a mom I was no grump, but I had a temper that would show itself in colorful ways (insert Hulk joke) if I felt I was wronged.  But something happens when I look at this tiny human, she inspires me to be the GREATEST version of my self.  It makes me more grateful, kind, forgiving, loving, because she is the best of me and I want to be the best for her.

What do you love about being a mom?



  1. I always love your posts. There's truth in everything here that you wrote, and I can relate to. Although being a mom isn't easy, the great reward is being able to grow as your child(ren) grow, learn as they learn, etc. It's hard sometimes, but, for the most part it is filled with funny moments.

    1. Thank you Kim!! Some of my most funniest life moments happened when I became a mom.

  2. Yes!! Everything you wrote is TRUTH!!! I love the fun of it. I look at the kids playing and think yall are some of the crziest people I have ever met...and I birthed you! It's a love that can't be described simply saying love.

    1. Right!!! I tell everyone who asks, there are no words to describe the feeling of motherhood.

  3. This post makes me so anxious for Dean's arrival!!!

    1. You're going to be an awesome mom and you will love every minute of it! Can't wait to see your beautiful boy.

  4. I'm new to your blog but you posts always reveal how I feel. ALTRUISM! I'm usually a nice person but I have become way more sympathetic to people and their situations ever since I had my son. Also, there is no love like the unconditional love I receive 24/7 from my son. It's the best feeling ever.

    1. That feeling is addicting isn't it? :) #momsknow

  5. I love being a mama. One of my favorite things is seeing my children smile when they do something they did not think they could do, but that I knew they could accomplish.

    1. Isn't that the best? Seeing their joy makes it all worth while :)


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