Monday, September 14, 2015


Me, 7 months preg

New York Fashion Week is here and I couldn’t be more excited.  Though as a mom now I spend most of my time in comfort wear, I do still enjoy getting dressed up for fancy occasions.  I originally wrote this post back when I was seven months pregnant with Mickey and attending shows was high priority.  If you’re a mom to be here are a few tips to get you through New York Fashion Week:

Flats are a must

Kudos to Kim Kardashian for rocking those five inch heels well into her pregnancy, but when you're running from show to show high heels just aren't practical.  With that being said you shouldn't have to sacrifice style for comfort, so invest in a pair of funky flats in a fun print and keep on stepping. Brands like Kelsi Dagger and Steve Madden offer some really cute options.

Your charger is your best friend

Now this one is not just for those of that are expecting, it's for everyone attending New York Fashion Week.....don't forget your charger for your phone, laptop, iPad, etc. With the large amount of tweeting, texting, blogging, and picture taking that you will be doing you can expect your battery to be low a few times a day. And for me I need to be reachable at all times, so I pack a spare charger and seek out outlets like a bloodhound.

Water, Water, Everywhere

As a pregnant woman you constantly need to stay hydrated. Unfortunately the further along you are the smaller your bladder seems to get, I mean like blueberry size small (TMI yes, but sharing is caring) so know your bathroom locations beforehand. Thankfully most venues have some pretty decent bathrooms for when you've gotta go, gotta go right now, and if not there’s a Starbucks on every corner.

Presentations Please

I love the excitement of a runway show, but sometimes the shows get too crowded, seats are scarce, and you end up with lousy pictures and a sweaty bang stuck to your head (trust me, I know). That's why presentations are your friend. You're free to move around and you can actually see the clothing up close and personal, which in turn makes for amazing photos!

Be a Stream Queen

 Finally, a pregnant woman's best friend is rest, which of course means fewer shows on your schedule.  But you don’t have to feel left out as more and more designers are streaming their shows online. I can catch all my favs live on my laptop in my pjs with my feet up. That's almost as good as front row....almost.



  1. I never get women who rock those 5 inches well into their 7th month, I could barely get my right foot in a Croc let alone something cute and elevated lol

  2. I care more about comfort than fashion, so the tip about cute flats was a welcome relief. I smiled at you searching out outlets like a bloodhound.


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