Sunday, May 10, 2015


When you think of Mother's Day you think of showering that special Mom in your life with flowers, maybe a nice card, or something sweet to show them that they are loved and appreciated.  Personally a nice quiet day with my family is at the top of my list this Mother's Day and I think that you'll find I'm not alone among other moms.
To prove that point I asked 9 of my favorite mom bloggers to share with me what they really want this Mother's Day here’s what they had to say:

Name: Andrea Arterbery

What I really want for Mother's Day is a lovely spa day to relax, unwind and have a bit of peace and quiet. It would also be nice if my son would just, you know, potty train himself. 😁

Name: Kim S.

For Mother's Day I'd really love a family vacation since we haven't had one in close to a year. We need to connect as a family without the everyday distractions of work, blogging, etc.

Name: Valerie Pierre

What I really want for Mother's Day is a solo vacation. The weekend away will let me have some extended mommy me time to indulge in activities just for me so that I can return home feeling rejuvenated and recharged.

Name: Charlotte Betts

I'd love to sleep in ... at least until 8am, but my toddler's internal clock is set for 6am and she's not happy until everyone is up haha! Truth be told, I'm a simple gal! Lots of hugs and kisses from my little one and just being able to enjoy my little family is what I want this mother's day... and donuts... lots of donuts.

Name: Akia René

For my first Mother's Day this year all I really want is take out from my favorite Thai restaurant and to enjoy it on the couch with my husband, glass of wine not optional.

Name: Fatima Lora

This Mother's Day, I'd love some "me time," even if it's an extra half hour in bed, and chocolate-covered strawberries. :)

Name: Shaniqua Garvin

I would love to finally sit at home, relax and binge watch TV with my son. Or sleep in and then go to the spa with the Mamas in my life, my mom, aunt and besties. Forget the dressing up and going out

Name: Christina Brown

(Photo Credit Kesha Lambert)

What I REALLY want for Mother's Day (besides a cleaning lady and maybe a pair of Louboutins) is to guarantee that my baby girl will grow up happy, healthy and with an unlimited well of self-confidence. I struggled so much as a young girl with feeling confident in my looks and what I want for her is that she is happy with who she is - always!

Name: Danielle

All I want for mother's day is to spend time with my family building more memories together!



  1. Great post & happy Mother's Day. I actually got my wish a dose of me time the day before Mothers Day With time alone for 24 hours and it was just what I needed. Now my family and I can spend mothers day together & I feel refreshed.

  2. Love it. Such a wonderful piece from awesome moms. I have to agree with Shaniqua -- forget dressing up and going out! ;)

  3. This is great. Can you believe I actually binge watched Hulu until 2 am and then slept in until 12 noon so I am happy!

  4. Such a great post! Thanks for including me Caprece!


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