Monday, May 4, 2015


Hello Heart,

We've reached another year together and my heart threatens to explode from my chest because it's filled with so much love.  Twelve months seems to go by so fast as I watch you grow.  I see glimpses of the person you will become, kind, funny, smart, strong willed, and I like her...a lot.  Being a toddler can be tough, you want it all and you want it now!! And as we both are learning to be more patient (insert smile), I'm finding that this age may secretly be my most favorite.
In celebration of your birthday I make these three promises to you:

I promise to be my absolute best

This last year was tough, we lost Pepaw and Auntie Helen and mommy was really sad. I fell back into old eating habits, and didn't give my absolute best to the things I love to do creatively.  Thankfully I had you and your dad to keep me going strong.  So I promise to you that as we go into another year that mommy will be at her absolute best, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

I promise to be present

Mommy works, a lot, but nothing is more important than you.  I promise to play more, live more, and laugh more with you. I promise to get sand on our feet and sun on our hair this season. I promise to ALWAYS be there.

I promise to let you go

Now this is the one that I will have the most trouble with. This is the one that will have the future version of mommy sobbing into her Birkin (goals, lol) as you go off to college. I promise to let you go and to only slightly hover over you when you explore. I'll keep you safe, but I'll let you slide, and jump, and run.

Just not too far, okay?




  1. I love when parents write open letters to their children. Super sentimental and will be cherished forever. You go mom!

  2. Omg I started crying. This is the sweetest open letter. Open letters are like my favorite things to read (and to write) because they're always so heartfelt. You are such a great mommie and an incredible example of strength, especially with everything that you've gone through over the past year. Mackenzie is so blessed to have you!

    1. No I'm crying, lol. They are my favorite to write! Thank you so much!! As mommie's all we want to hear is that we are doing a good job. You just made my day XO.


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